Call to government: quickly provide workable environmental standards for onshore wind

Onshore wind is important for achieving climate targets, electrifying Dutch businesses and enabling new residential areas. It is crucial that workable environmental standards for onshore wind are established quickly.

“Onshore wind provides reliable and affordable energy . This energy is needed by companies that want to electrify their factories and is crucial for realizing the agreed number of homes per year.

That is why it is crucial that workable environmental standards for onshore wind are established quickly. We call on the government to establish these quickly.”
Jan Vos, chairman of NedZero

In her letter of 27 January, the Minister of Climate & Green Growth sends a crystal clear message:

“Electrification of end use and the associated growth in supply will continue to be important for the energy transition after 2030. The National Energy System Plan (NPE) provides that electricity generation will have to increase three to fivefold by 2050 in order to continue to meet the required energy demand. Locally combining energy supply and demand prevents additional demand for transport capacity, enables local developments and contributes to the affordability of the energy system. That is why further growth in onshore solar and wind energy generation is necessary and we must continue to work together to realise the total bid of 55TWh.”

The umbrella organisations of provinces (IPO) and municipalities (VNG) also advocate in their joint position paper for more space for onshore wind. “Provinces and municipalities advocate for more opportunities for local customisation for wind energy in order to be able to comply with the joint climate agreements with the government. Onshore wind is necessary to realise the RES task . Moreover, it is necessary for the NPE and it can contribute to reducing grid congestion by bringing together local supply and demand.”

NedZero, VNO-NCW, Bouwend Nederland, Netbeheer Nederland, the Dutch Association for Sustainable Energy and Energie Nederland join this in a joint letter.

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