Outgoing Minister Jetten is surprised by TenneT's recent, sudden announcement that new transmission requests on industrial estates are only possible to a limited extent. He asks TenneT for more clarity and promises a national overview of the shortage of grid capacity.
TenneT announcement
Research by TenneT and the regional grid operators Stedin and Liander showed at the beginning of February that the room for additional electricity use through the application of flexible contracts is minimal, even outside peak hours. TenneT subsequently announced that new transport requests on industrial estates in the provinces of Gelderland, Utrecht and Flevoland are only possible to a limited extent , and only in the form of customized solutions.
Parliamentary questions
The message led to a commotion in the media and to parliamentary questions from MPs Suzanne Kröger (GroenLinks-PvdA) and Silvio Erkens (VVD). Jetten does not simply accept the conclusion that energy hubs are not an important part of the answer to the lack of space on the electricity grid. In response to Kröger's questions, he writes: “I still see energy hubs as an important development for the energy system in the short and long term and important for companies, housing, mobility, logistics and sustainability.”
Jetten writes to Erkens: “Energy hubs can contribute to reducing grid congestion and the broader energy system in the short and long term, especially if these involve measures that reduce peaks on the grid as a whole. Where possible, such initiatives are supported and facilitated by TenneT and the regional grid operators. However, TenneT indicates that in certain areas shifting peaks on the regional electricity grid can lead to a higher peak on the high-voltage grid; higher peaks cannot be accommodated here at the moment.”
He also calls for more clarity from TenneT. “I have requested TenneT for a further analysis of the causes and possible measures, in order to gain insight as quickly as possible into what is still possible and what is needed for this.” Jetten says that a lot is still needed to roll out the energy hubs on a large scale. He has asked the grid operators to work together in pilots and thus jointly create the preconditions necessary for further development of energy hubs.
National overview
Jetten also announced that grid operators will provide more insight online into the extent of the shortage of grid capacity. At a national level, grid operators are working on the development of an online capacity map that provides insight into the congestion areas for offtake and input, says Jetten. “The first update provides more insight into the queues per station and more insight into the extent of the shortage of network capacity. The user can zoom in to the level of his own municipality. This update is expected shortly, in the second quarter of this year.”
Grid operators will later add where, when and how much the grid will be expanded, according to the outgoing minister.
NWEA's response:
"It is very important and very good that grid operators will provide more transparency. We have been pushing for this for a long time under the National Network Congestion Action Program (LAN) and it is nice that this is finally starting to take shape. That the application of congestion management requires customization is not surprising. TenneT's new insights mainly have an impact on how much needs to be adjusted as a result of congestion management, but as far as the financial limit allows, there is no impact on how much can be connected . Article 9.10 of the Electricity Network Code is very clear there. over, up to the technical limit of 150% of the available capacity. In a mesh network (such as that of TenneT), changed market conditions may influence whether or not the technical limit is reached, but this should not lead to the Insights today have changed significantly compared to the insights upon publication of the congestion report at the end of last year."Bekijk al het nieuws